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He will discuss:
His concept of being brilliant at the basics in calf health
The top six areas of focus on when rearing healthy calves.
New research around the gut health and the calf microbiome
A game-changing new probiotic and postbiotic liquid from Precision Microbes


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A webinar with Kaz Strycharczyk from Farm Vet Films discussing the essentials for a smooth and successful lambing season! 

A webinar with NJB Hoofcare's Neil Barrett, Chairman of the National Association of Cattle Foot Trimmers who talks you through the essentials of tip-top toes!

A webinar with Restock, Moocall, Livs Limousins and Bates Moor Farm discussing the best methods to prepare for a suscessful calving season
A webinar where Dr. Patrick O'Neill from Warburton Technology discusses the importance of trace minerals in pre-calving cows and calves as well as new technologies in trace mineral supplementation. Live Q&A at end of session.
Webinar by Restock with Multimin